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At buyfloorpaint we can advise on detailed solutions for all types of floor repairs where these are necessary prior to painting the floor - Please refer to the special sections in our main website on 'Floor Cleaning and Preparation for Floor Painting' (click and follow the tab on the left hand side of the page).
'Polyfilla' type materials from DIY Stores and the like are totaly unsuitable and these will only 'pop-out' again shortly after you have completed your new floor painting job. DO NOT EVER USE THIS TYPE OF FILLER FOR FLOOR REPAIRS.
Sand and cement premixed products, or sand and cement mortars mixed on site can be used, but only when the prepared concrete is thoroughly pre-wetted, and then the finished repairs must also be kept damp, covered and cured correctly - Unfortunately this will also delay the floor painting work by at least a week, and even up to a a month or more; in order to allow the concrete to dry out again and be suitable to accept a floor paint .
However in most situations where there is minor damage or voids in the floor, or localised areas of damage in the concrete floor surface, then the best and easiest pre-treatment before painting, is for these to be filled and made good using a fast curing epoxy resin based adhesive mortar. One of the best products to use for this is Sikadur 31 Mortar. This 2-component epoxy resin mortar is easily mixed in the tin, then applied by trowel or spatuala to fill the voids and repair the damage. if there are deeper holes needing thicker layers then the mortar can be extended and made even more cost effective, by the addition of fine kiln dried quartz sand.
Alternatively use our complete Epoxy Floor Repair Kit which comes in a single 10kg pail containing the resin and hardener in unique easy to mix packaging, plus the correct amount of aggregate filler, even a pair of gloves (should always be worn to use epoxy materials)and a brush to apply some of the mixed resin as a primer / tack-coat on the surface.
For larger areas of concrete floor surface damage, it is often also cost effective to use Sikafloor 161, fast-setting, solvent-free epoxy resin binder, mixed from 1:3 up to 1:6 by weight with kiln dried, graded silica or quartz sand. This is the applied by 'flow-application' over the damaged areas of the surface using the edge of a trowel, or with a squeegee blade.
The floor painting works can then proceed quickly and without delay the very next day (even later the same day in heated areas).