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For FREE Expert Advice or Assistance Call Any of Our Offices and Our Floor Painting Specialists will be Pleased to Help.

Scotland: 01786 472800

Chorley: 01257 266696

Floor Paint Information and Selection Guidance

Floor Paints are not all the same - There are different types of floor paint that are designed to be suitable for use in painting floors to meet the different types of exposure and performance requirements, of the different types of areas, within the different types of factory production and process areas, warehouses and storage areas, workshops, showrooms and retail areas etc.

Generally these are used to dustproof, seal, protect and enhance the wear resistance, durability and appearance of the floor. Many of these same floor painting requirements can also be found in domestic situations, , where similar grades of Floor Paint are also the best solution for the upgrading or protection of concrete floors and or cement screed floor surfaces, such as for garage floors, or for sealing, dust proofing and enhancing home conservatory and workshop floors, or conservatory floors for example. The same floor paint requirements and performance criteria should therefore also be applied to ensure the right floor paint product selection in these domestic situations - It is important to remember that if a durable floor paint finish is to be achieved - All floor paints are definitely NOT the same!

So if you are not sure exactly what type of floor paint you need for your project, please check out our Selection Guide for Floor Paint.
NCC Buy Floor Paints

Alternatively for FREE expert advice and assistance, please call any of our offices and speak to one of our technical floor painting specialists, who will be happy to advise and assist you.

NCC’s Buy Floor Paint provide a complete range of quality floor paints for all of these different floor painting areas and applications. We use the world’s leading floor paint brands from the world’s leading manufacturers – Sikafloor, Nitofloor, Proseal, and Fastgrip etc., from Fosroc, Remmers, Ronacrete, Sika and others. These have the most cost effective raw materials purchasing power, production efficiency and consistent Quality Control.

The best performing 'all round' floor paints today are undoubtedly almost all 2-part epoxy resin floor paints. This is because of their fast curing (hardening), tough, abrasion resistant and hard wearing finishes; they can also be very chemically resistant. However there are water dispersed, solvent dispersed and solvent free types of epoxy resin floor paints. Each of these different types of epoxy resin floor paint also has their own different advantages and disadvantages. Plus all epoxy resin floor paints, even with within any one type, such as ‘water-dispersed’, are once again, also most definitely NOT the same! - The right type and then the specific floor painting product selection are critical for success.

There is a wide difference between different epoxy resin floor paint products, for instance in terms of their ease of use, their ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ film thicknesses, their finished appearance (gloss / silk or matt) and most importantly, in their service performance and durability in very different situations!

Beware of cheap (or not so cheap in the long-term!) plain label floor paint products and unknown brands sold as ‘floor paints by the litre’ – they always have low resin contents and high solvent or water contents, or additional fillers or sand content added in order to achieve this apparent 'reduced cost'. The 'lowest cost' approach with floor painting does not work and inferior floor paint products will not perform, meaning that the whole job will soon have to be done again.

This inadequacy applies to all single pack floor paint products (other than dangerous solvent containing, moisture sensitive, single pack polyurethane resin floor paints that we also do not recommend, but for the other obvious reasons), which whatever their manufacturers claim, will give very poor long term service, particularly in terms of their abrasion or chemical resistance, and where there is any level of traffic at all, the service life will be very short. This means that the work will soon need to be redone, creating a build-up of part worn layers - as typically seen in some tyre and exhaust centres or garages that need to be repainted every few months for example. Alternatively this residual ‘soft’ paint has to be mechanically removed (expensive and messy or disruptive) before repainting the floor with good quality 2-part epoxy resin based floor paint.

At Buy Floor Paint we recommend and supply only the best quality floor paints and at the best price! We do not recommend or sell any 1-part floor paints anymore – it is not worth the trouble for you or for us! It is much better and far easier and in the long run much cheaper, to spend only a little more on the floor paint product, take the 2-5 minutes required to mix the 2-parts with a simple electric drill paddle attachment (we will even show you how), then paint the floor to last!

So use our NCC Floor Paint Selection Guide and from the different criteria select the quality Floor Paint that is right for your job.

Alternatively for FREE expert advice and assistance, please call any of our offices and speak to one of our technical floor painting specialists, who will be happy to advise and assist you.
For FREE Expert Advice or Assistance Call Any of Our Offices and Our Floor Painting Specialists will be Pleased to Help.

Scotland: 01506 657996

Newcastle: 0191 419 2530

Chorley: 01257 266696
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