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For FREE Expert Advice or Assistance Call Any of Our Offices and Our Floor Painting Specialists will be Pleased to Help.

Scotland: 01786 472800

Chorley: 01257 266696

Buy Floor Paint - Specialist Floor Paint Centre

Buy Floor Paint is the specialist online floor paint centre created by NCC Materials Consultants and Distributors, the UK’s leading distributor of specialist chemical products for building and construction works. The major international manufacturers that we support and provide technical and practical service on behalf of include Fosroc (for flooring systems, mortars, grouts and sealants), Remmers (for flooring systems, waterproofing, stone cleaning and restoration treatments), Ronacrete(for flooring systems and repair mortars) and Sika (for flooring systems, repair materials, waterproofing, external adhesives & fixings, elastic sealants etc.), plus Kingfisher, Star-Uretech, Resiblock and Ceilcote (for special floor surfacing, lining and paving sealing solutions) and many other leading producers for special products.

NCC have been established for more than 30 years and our technical team have unrivalled expertise with a combined total of more than 120 years of experience in the UK Specialist Flooring and Construction Chemicals markets.

We identified a need for a specialist centre for all things relating to ‘Floor Paint’ – with information on the different types of floor paint materials, guidance on selecting the right floor painting products, their specific advantages and disadvantages - both in application and performance. From NCC Buy Floor Paint, you also are assured of a fast and reliable nationwide supply and delivery service - And all at the best possible prices – So here it is, we hope that this information helps you in your floor painting project – particularly in how to select, prepare and apply the right floor paint.

NCC Buy Floor Paints
Please browse the pages of information about the different floor paint materials and the specific floor painting products, use our Floor Paint Selection Guide, our Colour Selection Charts.

However if you need help with specific advice or assistance on your floor painting project – no matter what size or your requirements, please call any of our offices and talk to one of our technical floor paint specialists, who will be happy to advise and assist you.

If you consider that your technical and performance requirements for a floor paint are more onerous or extreme, then please also visit our sister website at This sister website is intended to provide information and guidance on the more technical trowel and flow applied resin flooring solutions and the ultimate high performance resin floors that are generally only installed by trained and experienced specialist resin flooring contractors.
For FREE Expert Advice or Assistance Call Any of Our Offices and Our Floor Painting Specialists will be Pleased to Help.

Scotland: 01506 657996

Newcastle: 0191 419 2530

Chorley: 01257 266696
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