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Water Based Epoxy Floor Paint

Water Based Epoxy Resin Floor Paints are now becoming increasingly popular and are the best floor paints for a great many floor painting applications. This is as the technology of the ‘water based’ epoxy resin floor paints, or more correctly ‘water dispersed’ epoxy resins floor paints that are provided by NCC Buy Floor Paints is world beating. This is now so greatly improved over the other products available in the market. – Remmers is a clear technology leader in this field, which is why we generally prefer their advanced materials of the two component water based floor paint type such as BS 2000 (clear) and BS 3000 (any colour); Sika is also a major international producer of excellent new technology water based epoxy resin floor paints, but these are only available in fewer and larger pack sizes, plus a more limited colour availability (because they are normally only sold and used on major industrial floor painting projects by professional contractors).

The main advantage of these high performance, modern water dispersed epoxy resin floor paints is that they contain no dangerous solvents (or VOC's Volatile Organic Compounds, as they are now referred to), so they can be used safely in occupied areas, they are not sensitive to naked flames and they will not contaminate foodstuffs.

The mixing and application of these modern 2 component water based epoxy floor paint products is easy, because other water based epoxy products speed of curing, drying and hardening, is slower and very dependent on the temperature and humidity, (to allow the water content to evaporate as the resin reacts and hardens). The best exception to this is the BS 3000 water based epoxy floor paint, which uses the very latest 'state of the art' epoxy resin dispersion technology and is very fast drying.

Water Based Epoxy Resin Floor Paints
If you are not sure exactly what type of floor paint you need for your floor painting project, then please check out our Selection Guide for Floor Paint. Alternatively if you would like additional help and assistance with your specific project requirements, please do not hesitate to call any of our offices and one of our technical floor painting specialists will be happy to assist you.

Water based epoxy resin floor paint products are ideal for most domestic, commercial and light industrial floor painting jobs - Such as garage floors, workshops and factory assembly or storage areas etc.

Water based epoxy floor paints have another distinct advantage over solvent and solvent free floor paint materials, which is that whenever floor repainting and over-coating is eventually necessary, then only minimal surface preparation (cleaning) of the existing floor coating is necessary. As opposed to the thorough mechanical surface preparation (keying) that is necessary to recoat with both solvent containing and solvent free epoxy floor paints.

In many instances the slightly higher initial cost of the best water based epoxy resin floor paints over old-fashioned and inferior acrylic or hazardous solvent containing floor paints is more than offset by the advantages of using a safer product. Plus these advanced water based epoxy floor paints are now available in almost any colour; they perform extremely well and last for many years, then they are easy to over-coat whenever a refresher coatings is eventually required and probably only for redecoration - All with the minimum of down-time or closure, preparation, fuss and cost!

At NCC Buy Floor Paint we believe that our water based epoxy resin floor paints are therefore the modern and most environmentally friendly option for the majority of your floor painting requirements today.

Note:- The performance of all water based epoxy floor paints against abrasion and chemical attack, whilst excellent for the majority of projects and applications, is still somewhat lower than that provided by the best solvent free epoxy resin floor painting products. So if your project requires the highest performance, particularly in terms of chemical resistance or continuous abrasion then please visit the Solvent Free Floor Paint page of this website.

Alternatively if you would like additional help and assistance with your specific project requirements, please do not hesitate to call any of our offices and one of our technical floor painting specialists will be happy to assist you.
For FREE Expert Advice or Assistance Call Any of Our Offices and Our Floor Painting Specialists will be Pleased to Help.

Scotland: 01506 657996

Newcastle: 0191 419 2530

Chorley: 01257 266696
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