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Scotland: 01786 472800
Chorley: 01257 266696
Solvent-Free Epoxy Resin Floor Paint
Solvent-Free Epoxy Resin Floor Paints contain no solvents or water as diluents and are therefore 100% solids, consisting solely of resin and the other special ingredients. These react to form a high build, dense, vapour proof floor paint film on the floor when cured. This means that they have very much higher epoxy resin content - and so they can be applied and used in much thicker protective layers on the floor to give higher abrasion and chemical resistance to the surface.
Unfortunately as a direct consequence of this much higher epoxy resin content and thickness, solvent-free epoxy floor paints are also much more expensive and so generally they will only be used for professionally applied flooring projects. Solvent free epoxy resin floor paints are designed for use in areas with demanding and high performance requirements i.e. in factory process and production areas with increased traffic, high abrasion or liquid chemical exposure for example.
If you are not sure exactly what type of floor paint you need, for your project, pleasecheck out our
Selection Guide for Floor Paint.
Due to their thicker consistency solvent free epoxy floor paints also require very thorough ‘compulsory’ mixing. Porous concrete floors or cement screed floors may need to be sealed or primed first usually with clear lower viscosity grades of the materials as
Solvent Free Epoxy Resin Floor Paints
'primers', to obtain adequate penetration and adhesion, or to reduce costs by not wasting expensive coloured pigments. Therefore Solvent Free Epoxy Floor Paints are normally only recommended for use by our professional floor painting contractor customers. However where appropriate for your specific project requirements, we can provide guidance and support for their use by competent DIY'ers and other general contractors and maintenance crews.
As with all epoxy resin floor painting solutions, we can also provide you with the names of specialist floor painting contractors that will be pleased to provide you with a quotation and guarantee for carrying out the works professionally to the required specification.
Floor Paint for Drinking Water and Foodstuffs Contact:
NCC Buy Floor Paint can supply special solvent free epoxy resin floor painting and coating products for very specific applications such as for surfaces in contact with drinking water - or to provide extreme or specific chemical resistance.
If you are experienced and know exactly what you require, then please check out our
Floor Paint Selection Guide.
Alternatively you can call any of our offices and one of our technical floor painting specialists will be pleased to advise and assist you. It is best to call us for specific advice with regard to selecting and using solvent-free epoxy floor painting products if you think that they are suitable or needed for your project.