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Garage Floor Paint
Garage floor paints for commercial and domestic garages should always be selected to be able to meet all of the floors requirements in application and service:
Application of Garage Floor Paint:
A garage floor paint often has to be applied in cold, unheated and unrentilated environments; the minimum of concrete
floor surface preparation at least is desirable to ensure that the surface is clean and dry before the garage floor paint is applied. There may or may not be a damp-proof membrane installed under the concrete floor, so the floor paint may also need to be vapour permeable, plus your garage floor paint will usually need to harden and allow you to put the garage back into service quickly.
Garage Floor Paint in Service:
The finished garage floor paint can be subject to all kinds of spillages, dependent on the vehicles and how you intend to use the area. Obviously this can include fuel oils and other engine oils, grease and other automotive fluids such as the hydraulic system oils (i.e. brake fluid) and possibly corrosive battery acids. All of which can be aggressive and damaging to garage and vehicle workshop concrete floors. The garage floor then has to withstand the mechanical abrasion and wear, from normal traffic and vehicle maintenance work, plus the vehicles themselves
will bring in rainwater, with road de-icing grit and salts in winter, then there is the actual car parking on the floors, with hot / warm and ‘sticky’ rubber tyres on the painted floor surface - this can actually ‘pull-off’ many inferior floor paints, especially cheap and not so cheap – especially in the long term, acrylic and so called PU Modified floor paints – This includes some that are even unwisely recommended by their suppliers for use on garage floors!
Many cheap and many 'not - so - cheap' floor paints are definitely not at all suitable to provide a durable and long lasting floor finish on garage floors - Be sure to check your garage floor paint performance requirements very carefully and then select the right floor painting product for the right long term service and minimum future maintenance or repainting.
For the best and most durable result on domestic garage floors, we recommend a good quality water based epoxy floor paint, which is also coincidentally is also the preferred floor painting solution for use on Commercial Garage Floors. This will achieve a long service life and retain its good appearance and functionality. The best specific products for garage floor painting are the commercially well-known Sikafloor 2530W water based epoxy floor paint, or the latest high build, water dispersed epoxy resin technology, from Remmers, which is also light fast, non yellowing and fast drying - BS3000 water based epoxy floor paint.
Slip Resistance / Skid resistance:
Increased slip resistance can be obtained by simply incorporating Remmers ADD250 polypropylene beads in the garage floor paint, coating.
Alternatively you can call any of our offices and one of our technical floor painting specialists will be pleased to advise and assist you with specific advice with regard to selecting and using the right garage floor painting solution for your project – big or small.