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Industrial Floor Paint for Factory Flooring

Industrial Floor Paints are generally heavy duty floor paints and the best available on the market are two-component epoxy resin based products that are designed to be suitable for use in the conditions found on Factory Floors. Therefore as a result they can also be very suitable for use in many other industrial and commercial facilities where there are aggressive environments with chemical spillages or frequent traffic on the floors.

To be suitable for use on factory floors industrial floor paints must generally be tough and resistant enough to withstand:-
  • The abrasion and wear that will take place i.e. from fork lifts, pallet trucks and other vehicle movements across the factory floor.
  • The static loading that is imposed on the painted factory floor surface by pallet stacking in storage, or other equipment on the floor
  • Any liquid or chemical spillages that may occur on the floor i.e. Water, oils, acids or alkaline solutions that are used in the processes carried out on the painted factory floor.
Most factory floors are reinforced concrete floors and this must obviously have sufficient strength to support all of these loadings and uses. The functions of the industrial floor paint are:
Industrial Floor Paints
- to strengthen and improve the factory floor surface
- to increase the floors abrasion and wear resistance
- to provide the increased additional chemical resistance
- to improve the appearance and ambience of the working environment
- to delineate specific areas, such as: safe walking areas, parking bays or access routes and other directions etc.

The best factory floor paints that are tough enough for industrial floor painting applications today, are usually epoxy resin based as mentioned above. These materials can be water dispersed epoxy resin floor paints, solvent containing epoxy floor paints (no longer generally recommended by us due to the potential risks to health and damage to the environment) or for the heaviest duty and exposure, solvent free epoxy resin floor paints.

For guidance on selecting the right industrial floor paint for your factory floor painting project, please check out our Floor Paint Selection Guide.

Alternatively please call any of our offices and one of our floor painting experts will be happy to advise and assist you with specific advice for your industrial floor or factory floor painting project.
For FREE Expert Advice or Assistance Call Any of Our Offices and Our Floor Painting Specialists will be Pleased to Help.

Scotland: 01506 657996

Newcastle: 0191 419 2530

Chorley: 01257 266696
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