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Acrylic Resin Floor Paint

Acrylic Resin Floor Paints are the cheapest type of floor paint, at least in terms of their price per litre – though this is normally not the case for any given area when it is considered over more than a few months or even weeks of use. As the ‘cheapest floor paint’ they are not surprisingly also the most commonly sold floor paints in the UK today - BUT unfortunately they are frequently sold for floor painting in areas where they are really not suitable. This leads to additional cost and aggravation for everyone involved.

Acrylic floor paints are all based on relatively small amounts of ‘acrylic’ resin dissolved in a solvent such as white sprit or xylene, which give rise to other problems of course. Alternatively some are sold as ‘non-toxic’ or ‘environmentally friendly’, which simply means that the resin is dissolved in water rather than another solvent– these have no problems with the solvent, BUT water based acrylic floor paints are all very low performance in terms of their wear and abrasion resistance. They are sometimes also sold as being ‘PU modified’ or ‘PU-alkyd’ combinations – However please forget them all as they are basically all the same material and not up to the job.

Acrylic floor paints are single pack, or 1-part paints, and as such they are also often considered to be the easiest to apply, and as a good floor paint in limited wear and exposure situations, such as floor paints for simple dust prevention or brightening up plain concrete or cement screeds in domestic conservatories, workrooms or basement floors for example, However once again we prefer not to recommend them because none of them are durable. No acrylic floor paints will satisfactorily resist any form of regular vehicle traffic, heavy pedestrian traffic or any type of vehicle parking that these areas are frequently used for. Plus they are not at all resistant to oil spills, nor any other acid or alkaline chemicals or any other regular water or other liquid exposure.

All Acrylic Resin Floor Paints
Acrylic and PU Modified Acrylic floor paints will actually ‘stick’ to car tyres if they are warm when they park, or if they are parked on the painted surface for extended periods – the floor paint will then simply be peeled-off when the car moves! So acrylic floor paints should never be used in garages, nor car and other vehicle workshops, but unfortunately they are! - Usually again because they are perceived to be cheap, so they are selected on this basis alone and used where they are not appropriate – Some unscrupulous suppliers will even still recommend them for garages - their subsequent failure can also give good floor paints a bad name!

In domestic and commercial garages or any other type of vehicle garages or workshops a 2-part epoxy resin based floor paint will be the best floor painting solution to resist abrasion and all of the chemicals involved, providing a sealed and easily cleaned surface that is extremely durable and requiring minimal if any maintenance for many years. Typically a water based, 2-part, epoxy resin based floor paint is the best product for achieving this durable, resin floor paint finish.

If you are not sure exactly what type of floor paint you need, then please check out our Selection Guide for Floor Paint.

As a result at BuyFloorPaint we do NOT now provide any type of Acrylic resin floor paints, nor any other solvent containing floor paints. Please refer to our Floor Paint Selection Guide and the Product Data Sheet for full information.

In our opinion, from our technical expertise and a great many years practical experience, the most suitable type of floor paint for the majority of domestic or small business floor painting requirements, such as – painting, sealing decorating and improving the concrete or screed floors in basements, conservatory’s, storage areas etc. including garages and workshops we recommend that you use a quality water based epoxy floor paint such as BS 3000. This has the added advantages of being available in almost any colour, is quick-drying, resistant to oils, water and abrasion. This will be a much better longer term solution for your floor painting project – whatever it is. - Check your floor painting project requirements in our Floor Paint Selection Guide.

Alternatively if you would like additional help and assistance with your specific floor painting project, please do not hesitate to call any of our offices and one of our technical floor paint specialists will be happy to assist you.
For FREE Expert Advice or Assistance Call Any of Our Offices and Our Floor Painting Specialists will be Pleased to Help.

Scotland: 01506 657996

Newcastle: 0191 419 2530

Chorley: 01257 266696
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