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Solvent Based Epoxy Resin Floor Paint
Solvent Based Epoxy Resin Floor Paints contain a hydrocarbon solvent such as xylene to dissolve the epoxy resin and help it to penetrate into the surface of the concrete, encourage easy flowing application and form a uniform film with good coverage (lower consumption per square metre). Solvent based epoxy resin floor paints are fast curing (drying and hardening) and can generally provide good abrasion and chemical resistance. Historically this type of floor paint material was commonly and widely used to give the most economic and effective floor painting solution – and in the fastest time.
However today, the necessarily high volume of these aggressive solvents (usually 50 - >80%) in these products, means the solvent based floor paint products have high VOC levels (volatile organic compounds) that are increasingly restricted in use – an quite rightly because they are both harmful to health and damaging to the environment – There is no such thing as ‘mild solvents’ as claimed by some less scrupulous manufacturers and distributors, these are just slightly less volatile but equally toxic and even flammable – check your insurance in this regard if you consider using solvent based floor paints of any kind!
Solvent based floor paints require that considerable ventilation must be provided - In occupied premises any people working in adjacent areas may also be disturbed or inconvenienced by the smell. Some foodstuffs particularly dairy products and other ingredients can be sensitive to, and damaged or contaminated by these solvents. This is because the solvents are released into the air from the floor paint during the product's mixing, application and hardening / drying.
Solvent Based Epoxy Resin Floor Paints
Additionally, once again, the high levels of these solvents are dangerously flammable, so these solvent based floor painting products must never be used near any source of ignition, naked flames or welding operations etc.
Despite these strict limitations, for some commercial applications such as sealing exposed concrete floor surfaces, or cement screed floors on large open spaces in factories and warehouses, solvent based floor paints can sometimes still be the ideal solution because of their tolerance of lower application and curing temperatures or increased penetration ability. However we recommend that then they should only be used by trained specialist contractors, who fully appreciate and understand the necessary safety precautions and serious health risks and limitations, and have the correct protective equipment.
- Therefore solvent based epoxy floor paints are not available to order online in our shop - But if you feel that they could still be the most suitable floor painting products for your project, please call any of our offices and one of our technical floor painting specialists will be pleased to advise and assist you.